Monday, March 30, 2009
Anyone eat Crabs, Shrimp, or Lobsters?
Well, I personally think that all beings with brains, if subjected to some sort of stimuli and the brain perceives it as unpleasant, will surely move away from it (some humans like pain though).
Anyways, it was a good read :).
Happy Monday
I wish everyone's Monday will go through quick and painless :) but hey, if you have sunny sky you should enjoy the day right? If it's dark and cloudy, then maybe you should relax and enjoy a nice cup of your favorite tea :).
Today's organization is called Child Help.
Childhelp exists to meet the physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs of abused, neglected and at-risk children. We focus our efforts on advocacy, prevention, treatment and community outreach.
If anyone who had experience with Child Help, please let us know your stories on how they helped you so we can read first hand from you.
Please save this number to your cell phone 1800-4-A-CHILD (1800-422-4453). This is the Child Abuse Hotline.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
National Military Family Association

Hello everyone!
I used to be a Navy brat. I always hated it when he gets deployed but that is part of military life. When I was in the Air Force, I was lucky enough not to be deployed (pre 9/11).
There are a lot of Military families waiting for their loved ones deployed overseas and I want to support them. Today, our featured organization is the National Military Family Association.
This is their mission (according to their website).
The National Military Family Association (NMFA) was organized in 1969 as the National Military Wives Association by a group of wives and widows seeking financial security for survivors of uniformed service personnel and retirees. From their efforts, the Survivor Benefit Plan came into being. In the ensuing years, NMFA has been in the vanguard of advocacy for improvements in the quality of military family life. The name of the organization was changed in 1984 to reflect the broad scope of its involvement. NMFA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) association.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Angel in Queens
Angel in Queens offers hot meals and hope to those less fortunate ones.
This is what they currently need at the moment.
- Men′s Work Boots: 8(1/2) to 10(1/2)
- Blue Jeans: sizes 32 to 40
- Dry soap (purelle stuff)
- Ice Tea 4C
- Socks
- Bottles of Water 8oz
See his story on CNN .
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cool Website Alert
I just want to add this website called Academic Earth.
This is where you can watch college lectures from experts in their field.
Found this at
Thank a Vet!

Hello Everyone!
Today, I want to say thanks to all the Brave Veterans especially to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for you and me.
If you want to do the same, here is a website that will allow you to do the same.
After all, with out them, we would not even be able to do this.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Stefanie Spielman Fund For Breast Cancer Research

Hello everyone!
I want to feature a Non Profit organization that researches to fight Breast Cancer in the US. The
Stefanie Spielman Fund for Brest Cancer Research.
This is where the funds would go to:
The Stefanie Spielman Patient Assistance Fund assists breast cancer patients and their families who are struggling to afford the costs associated with treatment. The fund has provided essential equipment and services, including circulation pumps for lymphedema, compression garments, wigs, nutrition supplements, gas cards, Wendy’s gift cards and assistance with transportation.
This is my dedication to Ms. Heather Pick. Me and Tammey miss you.
Featured Organization

My wife is currently working for Goodwill. From what I can see, they have helped many getting jobs for our fellow Americans.
According to the Goodwill website:
We are North America’s leading nonprofit provider of education, training, and career services for people with disadvantages, such as welfare dependency, homelessness, and lack of education or work experience, as well as those with physical, mental and emotional disabilities. Last year, local Goodwills collectively provided employment and training services to more than 1.1 million individuals.
We believe that work has the power to transform lives by building self-confidence, independence, creativity, trust and friendships. Everyone deserves a chance to have these.
Goodwill provides that chance.
Mission: Goodwill Industries International enhances the dignity and quality of life of individuals, families, and communities by eliminating barriers to opportunity and helping people in need reach their fullest potential through the power of work.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Possible Items to win when you donate $1
- 20x $500
- 20x 8 gigIpod Touch
- 20x 8 gig Ipod Nano
- 50x $100 Barnes and Noble Gift Cards
So 110 Lucky people will win by giving to charity and help our fellow Americans $1 at a time!
Saturday in Columbus Ohio!
NCAA tournament seems to be in a full swing and some are watching their brackets closely. Mine seems to be a bit of a mess. Oh well.
So far, the organizations we have eligible for the donation once we reach the $1 Million goal are
- American Council for the Blind
- American Heart Association
- American Veterans of all Wars
- Assist the Officers
- Battered Home for Women
- Big Brother, Big Sister
- Breast Cancer Research
- Cancer Reasearch
- Children Foster Home
- Farmers Ending Hunger
- Food Pantries
- Habitat for Humanity
- Homeless Shelters
- Hurricane Emergency Funds
- Make a Wish Foundation
- Meals on Wheels
- Teachers
- Volunteers of America
If you have an organization in mind, as long as it is not for profit agencies, please email me at so I can add this to our list.
Friday, March 20, 2009
First Day of Spring!
Hello Everyone! It is finally spring. For some, it is also time for spring cleaning and getting home gardens ready to go.
For those who are about to do some spring cleaning like me, here is one of many website. This one helps you with a checklists.
For those who wants to start a garden, here is a guide for you.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Farmers Ending Hunger
"The mission of Farmers Ending Hunger (FEH) is to utilize the production power of local farmers to eliminate Oregon’s hunger problem. The idea behind the organization is enlisting local growers to provide help to local hungry communities. We can accomplish this by soliciting donations to our Adopt-An-Acre program, which covers the expenses of processing acres of local crops into high-quality food. The food is then distributed to a network of local food banks and social service programs.
For more information, their website is
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Take advantage of Ebay by using misspelled word and save money
My Favorite Free Applications

Hello everyone.
I just want to share my favorite apps that I use on my pc.
I am currently testing Windows 7. It seems to work very fast on my system. I haven't turned off my pc for about a month now and it is still holding up.
For protection, I use
For Cleaning and Tweaking
CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware! :)
Anti Virus
AVG Anti Virus
AVG Free Edition is the well-known anti-virus protection tool. AVG Free is available free-of-charge to home users for the life of the product! Rapid virus database updates are available for the lifetime of the product, thereby providing the high-level of detection capability that millions of users around the world trust to protect their computers.
This is a really nice Antivirus. They seem to update their data base everyday. It can also scan programs after downloading them on your pc.
Anti Spyware
Spybot Search and Destroy
Spybot - Search & Destroy can detect and remove spyware of different kinds from your computer. Spyware is a relatively new kind of threat that common anti-virus applications do not yet cover. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you didn't intentionally install, if your browser crashes, or if you browser start page has changed without your knowing, you most probably have spyware.
This I use every week. Even our IT here recommends this.
They all can be found at this Filehippo website and they are all free.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Saint Patrick's day!

(image from
I just want to say that I wish everyone to stay safe and not drink too much green beer or Irish Whiskey. Please have a designated driver and drink responsibly.
For those who are interested, here is the information in regards to St. Patrick.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Jobless or need a career upgrade?
So for those of you that are unhappy with your current work, or need to find employment, the above lists are good online resources. Don't forget your check your Counties and State job boards as well as networking with those who are currently working. Also check your counties Job and Family Services for help in resume or job placements. There are always work out there. Heck, post something in Craiglist offering your service if your a handy man/woman or good with computer repairs. Temp jobs are always good since they can possibly land you a full time job. Go to your malls and get those applications. So, stop reading this post and get those mouse pointers working.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Incentive to donate
Ive been thinking on how to reward those who donated.
One idea came up.
Select 5 People who donated and through a raffle each get $ 5k.
The problem I guess is who will do the name pulling just so I don't get accused of cheating or any other legal issues. I am not even sure if doing this idea is legal.
Anyways, if anyone can give me a suggestion about proceeding on how to do this would be great.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Good Eats

For those who likes food like me, I present to you these websites which are featured in
Several Cities are featured here such as
New York
San Diego
San Fransisco
and Seattle
Hmmm, no Columbus Ohio yet...
Anyways, if you live at those cities, then you should be able to find cheap eats.
There is also this website
It's self explanatory.
Well it is almost lunch time. I believe I will be making some TTS (Turkey Taco Salad).
If you have any interesting websites, please submit.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Green tea is good for you, really.

According to Science Daily, Green tea is healthy for your teeth and gums!
When I drink my green tea at work, it also seems to give me energy and not feel tired.
Interesting read.
Projects to do at home?
Might save you a few bucks and use that $1 to donate for the cause :)
American Heart Association / American Stroke Association
This organization would be a good one to donate to.
American Heart Association / American Stroke Association
Everyone can save using coupons!
I just want to highlight a website that can save you substantially if you have the patience.
I am sure you have heard of these things called coupons. This site will help us be a smart shopper and save!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Another Cool Website
It seems to learn songs you like and plays them for you!
I use this site at work and I have to watch my self singing out loud to Hotel California.
One of my favorite sites
Another beautiful day here in Columbus Ohio though it is still cold. It was a nice 70 degrees back in Tuesday but cold today. I can't wait for Spring and Summer!
I just want to share to everyone one of my Favorite website. The website is .
It is not a hacker website. Well, it is someone of a hacker website. This site helps improve your life by "hacking" or improving the way you do things in life. That is how I understand it at least.
Subjects include,
Computer related improvements
Goals (like how to keep a career log)
and more.
Check it out :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Assist the Officers
A Law Enforcement officer was shot last Thursday and is currently clinging to his life.
The website Assist the Officers has more information on this. If you can, please help our fellow cops out.
Donations to Teachers
I just want to add that once we reach the $1 Million goal (we are still at $2), we can possibly donate the $25 thousand to a Teacher or Teachers. I am not sure on how to do this yet but we should honor our teachers since, at least for me, became my second parents.
And here is a poem for you teachers out there :)

Why God Made Teachers
By Kevin William Huff
When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.
When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What's right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.
Why God created teachers
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Interesting Website
My arteries are clogging up right now.
So how is everyone today!
$2 current balance.
This is harder than I thought but I don't give up too easily.
So where else we can donate to? This is the "List" so far.
1. Food Pantry
2. Homeless Shelters
3. Battered Women homes
4. Children Foster Homes
5. Hurricane Emergency funds
6. Any community based charities
7. Habitat for Humanity
8. Breast Cancer Research
9. Big brother, Big sister
10. Make a Wish Foundation
11. American Veterans
12. American Council of the Blind
13. Meals on Wheels
Please help me make this list bigger :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Well first day at work with this new daylight saving time. It is definitely coffee time for me.
I hear a lot of people getting laid off due to the economy and people loosing money in stocks. Unemployment compensations are running out of funds (at least here in Ohio). Circuit City just lost 34 thousand jobs just today as I listen to the local news as I type this.
To those who are unemployed, your job is to look for a job. Look at your counties/state employment board, has a lot listing, heck check out craiglist in your area.
There are jobs out there but it will not come to you. You have to find them.
Well, enough of my rants so I leave you this quote.
- "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
- - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Another idea on where to donate $25k once we get the $1 Million goal.
Public Schools around the nation needs all the help they can get. I saw on the news last week there were schools where they had to use the Janitorial room to conduct their class. With the help of everyone, lets get some input on maybe your kid's school issues.
Oh and if you forgot, please spring your clock forward :).
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Twitterring and quick bio
Anyways, I guess I should say something about my self.
My name is Stephen Adkins. I was born in Philippines and grew up there till I was 12 then I was adopted by my Aunt who raised me to be an American. Well, I am half American, quarter Korean and the other quarter Filipino. Interesting mix.
My uncle was in the Navy. Yes he tried to get me in the Navy but I didn't like him being shipped at sea for several months at a time. So I joined the Air Force when I turned 19 I think. I did my 4 years and received an honorable discharge.
I married my wife Tammey while I was in the service in 1998 (if I remembered that right, Im sure she will correct me). Tammey have known me since we were in High School in Hawaii (Moanalua High). Well, that was almost 13 years ago.
Anyways, now I work as a fraud investigator for our county. Tammey works for Good Will. We both hang out at the mall during weekends and drink coffee and enjoy our time off. No kids yet to drag around except for a Chihuahua named Taco. Not too original I know :).
Well, thats the short story. Ill let you know later on how Mount Pinatubo affected me when I was growing up in Philippines.
Oh and please feel free to make recommendations.
Another organization in mind for donation
If you have any other honorable foundation in mind, please help me make a list.
Thanks :)
Donation to Breast Cancer Research
For More info on the breast cancer research, here is the link.
3/7/09 Update
Well so far were are still at $2. I am trying to get the word out on this project through twitter and get this to major news network like CNN.
Oh and yes, while I am typing this, my wife is watching Ugly Betty (personal opinion, I should be watching the news).
Speaking of News, I hope our country can recover through this economic mess. As I drive through around my neighborhood, I see a lot of homes with a For Sale sign. Good news though, 28 Police jobs were saved directly by our economic bail out.
I hope our own economic bailout project would give people smile and hope.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Update 3/6/09 were on a roll!
$2 so far!
Please spread the word about our honorable intent on helping our nation $1 at a time.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
US Population
Where to donate
- Food Pantry
- Homeless Shelters
- Battered Women homes
- Children Foster Homes
- Hurricane Emergency funds
- Any community based charities
- Habitat for Humanity
Please offer suggestions as well and at the end, we can see where all the monies can possibly go to.
Why I am doing this
My name is Stephen Adkins here in Columbus Ohio.
The reason why I am doing this website is to help our country get out of this economic crisis one person at a time. My plan is to basically get collection from everyone that wants to donate, $1 at a time, and in 6 months, give all this money back to those who needs this money with out any government assistance. For example, if we reach $1 Million Dollars, we can decide to give this money to Food Banks around the US.
I will update how much money we collect Every Day and I hope everyone that donates, can trust me manage this money to better our nation, and with your help, we can achieve this.
Let's do it folks, $1 person, and we can help our country together!
Current Ballance as of 3/5/09