Saturday, March 7, 2009

Twitterring and quick bio

Well, I am trying out this website. I seem to hear this website alot and even our voted representatives are apparently on this website as well. I hope that they can see this too and help out to the cause :).

Anyways, I guess I should say something about my self.

My name is Stephen Adkins. I was born in Philippines and grew up there till I was 12 then I was adopted by my Aunt who raised me to be an American. Well, I am half American, quarter Korean and the other quarter Filipino. Interesting mix.

My uncle was in the Navy. Yes he tried to get me in the Navy but I didn't like him being shipped at sea for several months at a time. So I joined the Air Force when I turned 19 I think. I did my 4 years and received an honorable discharge.

I married my wife Tammey while I was in the service in 1998 (if I remembered that right, Im sure she will correct me). Tammey have known me since we were in High School in Hawaii (Moanalua High). Well, that was almost 13 years ago.

Anyways, now I work as a fraud investigator for our county. Tammey works for Good Will. We both hang out at the mall during weekends and drink coffee and enjoy our time off. No kids yet to drag around except for a Chihuahua named Taco. Not too original I know :).

Well, thats the short story. Ill let you know later on how Mount Pinatubo affected me when I was growing up in Philippines.

Oh and please feel free to make recommendations.

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